Research. Sword attack animation
Having looked on the unity website I've found a way you can attach an animation to a model in which you click left mouse button and it plays the animation. here i have used my sword in artefact 7 to put this into practice. here I have put the test on the drop box so please have a go and feel free to comment and leave feedback :).
Key Bindings
left click mouse button to use attack
Space bar jump
W forward
S backwards
D right
A left
Shift run
Really nice start to the game.
ReplyDeleteSome textures are stretched, mainly on the ground. Clipping occurs on majority of objects so the boundaries of their tangibility should be increased slightly. I was also able to walk on water at one of the water features you included and noticed there was no reflection, sound or acknowledgment that the character was in-fact interacting with the water.
The music is decent but if I were to be overly critical I would suggest something with a more consistent ambiance as the chosen song seems to build up to a rather dramatic climax, which would be fine if the character was on a linear path towards a boss or something similar but otherwise not. More sound effects wouldn't go amiss either; footsteps, sword noises (air swoosh, relative collision sounds), heavy breathing when running.
Lastly, some additional work could be done to the player camera, e.g. movement relative to sword actions, heading bobbing from running, jumping and landing.
Hope this helps & good luck :-)
The textures are all taken from Piranesi Etchings this is why some are extremely stretched :P. I totally understand what you mean about the music. this is something I will be looking to change to something less climatic. sound effects is also something i've not really looked into yet so is definitely anther step forward! Thanks very much for the feedback really good and can use it in my dissertation also :D!!!