Friday, 4 April 2014

Research. FPS hand with sword

Some of the feedback I received suggested to add a hand to the sword to make it feel more like your controlling a model rather than the sword just floating in front of the camera which is currently what it is doing. it will still only be floating in front of the camera but the hand will add something the player expects as its more realistic for the sword to be controller by a hand.

I got the hand from Autodesks mudbox as it gives you free models to work with when you start it up. I then imported the hand into 3ds max, merged my sword with the file and then modeled the fingers to fit around the sword. I then added a gauntlet for the hand and gave it a quick texture just to see how it was going to look. I am yet to put this into Unity but this will be the next stage of this Artefact.

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