Tuesday 18 March 2014

Portfolio research

So as the draft Portfolio is due in on Friday I thought it is definitely the time. first step is it research into similar designers portfolios and see what there Portfolio looks like as it would be more specific for the Job role I am looking to be employed into, a 3D Level designer. Here are some examples from Level.Design.org 

Jonas Axelsson, Envrionment Artist.

The layout of his portfolio is nice and simple, meaning the viewer can look at his work with ease without complicating things. His images of work also look like they've been enhanced in Photoshop so this is something I will be looking to do. He only has four pieces of work on his portfolio but they are all at the same standard which i feel is important, but Jonas also has various images for each piece of work.

Dave Banefelt, Level Designer

When opening this portfolio the first thing that struck me was the design, i found the skipping button really handy and made the use of the space of the screen. He didn't have any more than 3 images for each piece but had a lot of work. 

Ryan Benno, Environment Artist at Insomniac Games

Ryan Benno seems to be quite an established designer from looking at his Linkedin. His portfolio is simple and showcases a lot of work so oi feel the layout of mine should require less scrolling and more images per each piece of work viewable. Once i have enough work to fill such a big portfolio I feel Ryan Benno's portfolio layout could work, but currently i do not have enough good work.

The next step for me now after viewing a few portfolios is to get some nice renders of each piece of work which i will be putting on my portfolio. I also need to decide what work to actually showcase and how to showcase it. Older work such as my year 2's character design research project I think i will just be using screenshots and enhancing them on Photoshop.

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